Certification Students please note:
Rev. Arlene Raedel is a Credit Class Mediumship Instructor in the HGSA Education Program, which offers Mediumship Certification. This year-long ongoing series, "Medium Development Class", qualifies for the HGSA Mediumship Certification requirement. |
Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association
2975 Washington Circle
Escondido, CA 92029
Healing Temple
Thursdays At 7:00 P.M.
$20.00 a lesson
Contact Info for Rev Arlene:
951-306-4516 or 951-926-4342
revarlene_raedel@yahoo.com |
Cernie Institute
3769 Tibetts, Suite C
Riverside, CA 92506
Contact Info for Rev Arlene:
951-306-4516 or
revarlene_raedel@yahoo.com |
(Mary Ann Hillman’s office)
5005 La Mart Dr., Ste 100 (B14)
Riverside, Ca 92507
Monday's only by appointment
Contact Info for Rev Arlene:
951-306-4516 or 951-926-4342
revarlene_raedel@yahoo.com |
Facilitated by Reverend Arlene Raedel
(AKA Tree Star Woman)
Next Circle April 19th and
every Thursday closest to the New Moon each Month
Ceremony begins at 7:00 PM and ends at 8:30 PM
$20.00 per ceremony
Download Flyer here
Discover Your Intuitive Gifts
Begins Monday, February 6th, 2017
at 6:30 p.m.
$20.00 a lesson.
[if pre-paid by check or cash you receive a 10% discount]
You can use credit cards on this site with PayPal here, cash or checks..
Details & Download flyer here
10 week Self-Help Course
How to Read the Signs
to Guide You
Begins April 10th
Details & Download flyer here
4 week Self-Help Series:
Mental Mediumship Development
Become a Divine Conduit for Guides and Angels
Begins June 26th @ 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
$20.00 a lesson
Cernie Institute, Riverside CA
Details & Download flyer here
8 Week Self Help Series
Healing With the Energy of Jesus
Begins July 24th, 2017 @ 6:30
$20.00 a lesson
Cernie Institute, Riverside CA
Details & Download flyer here
8 Week Self-Help Course
Develop Your Natural Medium Abilities
Beginning September 18th, 2017
$20.00 a lesson
Cernie Institute, Riverside CA
Details & Download flyer here |
8 week Self-Help Akashic Series
with Spiritual Development Facilitator: Reverend Arlene Raedel
Level 1 –How to access your Soul Book in the Akashic –
Each lesson is $20.00 and the course Begins at 6:30 P.M.-Monday’s
April 2nd - May 21st
(Mary Ann Hillman’s office)
5005 La Mart Dr., Ste 100 (B14)
Riverside, Ca 92507
Details & Download flyer here |
Native AmerIndian Studies
Teachings of Chief Golden Eagle/Standing Elk
and the Star knowledge on the 11:11,
12:12, and 13:13 frequencies
Your Passport To The Stars
On hold until further notice |

ABOUT Reverend Arlene Raedel: Arlene is an educator, a healing intuitive and more. As an Instructor of Cosmetology, she taught anatomy and physiology for 7 years. In this setting, her human Self-Healing intuition gift evolved. She was a sales representative for an all Natural Vitamin Agency (owned by Jeri Redding) for 2 years. For 5 years+, she has been served on the Education Committee at Harmony Grove Spiritualist Association, in Escondido, CA, and taught many of their development courses. She is the founder of the NuVu Oasis in Nuevo, CA which is in the process of becoming a spiritual retreat for seminars and lectures. She travels and teaches in Southern California facilitating the development of Lightworkers for the Aquarian Age. Arlene’s Healing Certificates include: The Body Talk System™, The Colorado Center for Healing Touch™, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Healing (H.G.S.A.), Healing Touch for Animals™, and is currently in training with Korean Hand Therapy™.
When I sit with someone in sacred space, in person or on the phone, regardless of what Sign they were born under or how old they are, regardless of where they grew up impoverished or wealthy, struggling or cushioned from the world's intense emotional blows, and we meet on a soul-to-soul level, a deep power is released that is tangible and long lasting. My training and expertise in matters of the soul helps, but more than that, it's my willingness to believe in something so crucial in the depths of your nature, that turns the tide more than any earth based insight. |