Lyrics for Moonbeams
Words: Rev Arlene Raedel © February/1st/2007
Music Score: Greg Douglass 11/2007

You rowed across a river on a raft of light and love
A moonbeam caught your heartache and sent it on above

You rowed across a river in a lifeboat filled with joy
The truth fulfilled its promise to love and not annoy

You prayed across a mountain for the valley down below
And when the wind had gathered its honor it bestowed

It swooshed among the branches of the gently swaying trees
And beat upon the waters stagnation to release

Then up from the bottom the river released its debris
Of an old old sailors ship and the groans of its relief

It came to the top of the water its sails dripping mud
And swayed above the water restored by God's own love

God sent the clouds of Heaven to gather round the ship
Their tears released profusely to wash away the sludge

Let go of all the smallness let go of all the grief
Take up your heavy anchor let go of your belief

Take to the river my captain let the wind unfurl your sails
Store your anchor safely set your mind free to the wind

For on your horizon no matter where you face
Is God's own Holy mercy and God's own Divine Grace

Oar strongly towards the sunrise set sail before the wind
Let Jesus be your guide post and always let God win.

What’s that on the horizon? What can we barely see?
It’s the mast of a tall ship returning home from sea

Closer it is coming we can see you at its helm
What great joy and excitement your journey brings you home

How fared you on your journey? Did the ocean treat you well?
Was the ocean quiet and peaceful? Or full of mighty gales?

Do not despair at your landing for the ground is nice and firm
And all your friends and natives are gathered here to learn

Oh Captain, tell us stories you stayed away so long
Sing the songs of your sailing joys, heartaches and loves

Pursue not tales of looting unless you can’t resist
But of notes and stars of heaven and where the sunrise will begin

For to be free upon the ocean and visit all those ports
One can’t begin to imagine the freedom this imparts

Can I go with you a-sailing? Can I ride among the breeze?
Letting our hair flow freely singing loud and merrily?

For truth is in the openness of flying with the wind
And the churning of the ocean gives life a brand new spin

I love to tell this story incase you row a raft
For God will provide a river, a mountain, and a mast

Copyright 2007 © Arlene and the Ancients
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